Actually this trick secret, and wrote the pro gamers who knew about this trick ... ...

The key is a sudden, the more you make against you surprised by what you do ng so, the trick is increasingly successful, and goals must be yours ...
  • First, make a sudden movement is from the side of the field by winger you or another player. then if you think your position is still not quite free, give immediate feedback to the center to the striker you ... by pressing R2 + O 2x can, or R2 + O, depending on the position players who will feed you give it ...
  • Well immediately after that, when the ball was still in the air, directly press the Box once wrote or can special double box if you want rough  header you later ...
  • Last look carefully, if you just player heading the ball, gauge header you been seen by opposing players ... .. This trick means that you failed to do ... in other words, opponents have to know what you're doing, maybe you lack in sudden movement or when you feed too slow ... so if his gauge when the striker heading the ball did not appear by opposing players .. means that this trick works, and you can enjoy the Beautiful Heading committed by a player that leads you to beautiful and GOOAAALLLLLL gawan with ... .. This trick can be repeated - again, I can do as much as 5 times in a row ... what about you? yes you practice and learn wrote itself ... this is also the strategy of the pro gamers rahsia brutality in a beat up his opponents without mercy,,, sadistic indeed ... but still ... anyone who controls the number of goals he was the winner ... that is the game of football ... especially in PES itself ....